Vlcsnap 2024 06 09 15h35m07s534

Arev Kazabian: “The conference is being held to build democracy, freedom and a future without occupation”

The co-chairman of the People’s Assembly of Syrian Armenians, Arev Kazabian, who participated in the conference from Rojava, shared her views about the Middle East Youth Conference.

In her speech, Kazabian stated that the conference was organized with the aim of democracy, freedom and building a successful future without occupation and said, “Our goal is to find solutions and develop alternatives.”

Kazabian stated that she was happy to participate in the conference on behalf of the Armenian people and said, “This is both a victory and a great opportunity for us.”

The Armenian woman started her speech in Armenian, Kurdish and Arabic by saying “Good morning” and said:

“For all those who follow our conference, we congratulate the 4th Middle East Youth Conference to all the Middle East and wish success to the youth. This conference is for democracy, freedom and success. It is to build a future without occupation. This conference does not address only one entity or nation. It was held for the problems of the youth and all the people of the Middle East. That is the way to find a solution. We, as the Armenian people, the Armenian youth, see ourselves in this conference. This is a big success for us and also a celebration. Our discussions in the conference are ongoing. The existence of gender issues is also important. Our discussions are based on solutions. Many other issues are discussed and solutions are developed. Especially the migration of young people, the silence and neglect of young people in the Middle East are also main issues.
I once again congratulate the 4th Middle East Youth Conference on behalf of the Armenian people and wish them success.”

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